Subjects & Pass requirements
GRADE 7 - 9
Learners must choose a home language (Setswana or Afrikaans). The other subjects are compulsory according to departmental requirements.
- Afrikaans Home Language
- English First Additional Language
- Setswana Home Language
- Mathematics
- Natural Science
- Economic and Management Science
- Social Science
- Technology
- Art and Culture
- Life Orientation
GRADE 7 - 9
Pass Requirements for Grade 7-9
50% Home Language
40% First Additional Language
40% Maths
40% Any other 3 subjects
30% Any other 2 subjects
<30% Any 1 subject
GRADE 10 - 12
Learners are required to take Life Orientation, as well as a Mathematics, a Home Language and English First Additional Language. Learners choose 3 other electives; depending on departmental requirements.
- Afrikaans Home Language
- English First Additional Language
- Setswana Home Language
- Mathematics
- Mathematical Literacy
- Physical Science
- Life Science
- Computer Applications Technology
- Engineering Graphics & Design
- Accounting
- Consumer Studies (Grades 11 & 12 Only in 2019)
- Mechanical Technology
- Civil Technology
- Electrical Technology
- Geography
- Business Studies
- Technical Mathematics
- Technical Science
- Tourism
GRADE 10 - 12
Pass Requirements
40% in the learners home language
40% in 2 other subjects
30% in 3 other subjects
Evidence that the remaining subject's SBA has been done and examinations taken. No condonation takes place.
Performance Discriptions
Performance % Performace level Performance discription
80 – 100 7 Meet excellent
70 – 79 6 Meet with merit
60 – 69 5 Complies with standard
50 – 59 4 Meet satisfactorily
40 – 49 3 Meet
30 – 39 2 Meet partially
20 – 29 1 Not met