Prefects 2022
- In a way of life with high moral and ethical values and will honour my school, teachers, friends and parents.
- I will use my talents given to me by God, to the best of my ability and strengthen them.
- I will at all times strive, through my behaviour, to be an example for others.
- To be honest, friendly, helpful, true, punctual, responsible and trustworthy.
- To prevent anything that is disorderly and obscene.
- To be neat on myself, my school, town and country.
- Om die goeie naam van Hoërskool Vryburg hoog te hou en te help uitbou.
- Om die leuse van ons skool “CAPRE DIEM” altyd te handhaaf.
- Om ‘n voorbeeld te wees van iemand met positiewe waardes vir my medeleerders, personeel en die skool se Gedragskode.
- Om die goeie orde in die skool, op die sportvelde en by skool aktiwiteite te handhaaf en aan skoolbedrywighede ooreenkoms my talente deel te neem.
- Om my verantwoordelikhede en pligte deur my voorbeeld, woord en daad na te kom.
- Om ywerig te wees, maar nooit my posisie te misbruik nie en om altyd my taak te ag as ‘n opdrag om te dien.
I be guilty of any form of misconduct, eg. smoking, drinking or any other transgression of the Code of Conduct, for any reason or under any circumstances that will create a negative image of the Learner Representative Council and VHS, I will voluntary resign from the LRC immediately.
I acknowledge that I can also be expelled from the LRC if I do not comply with the Code of Honour that is signed during the nomination process. It also includes not attending any function which the LRC are expected to attend. At such functions it is also expected of me to stay until the function is concluded.
I would like to confirm that it is a privilege, and not a right, to be a member of the LRC.
This document must be read in conjunction with the Code of Conduct of the school. Should the following criteria be applicable on any learner, this learner cannot be nominated as a prefect.
- A learner who has repeated an academic year from grade 8 – 11.
- A learner who has been found guilty, or who has pleaded guilty to a serious transgression in the specific gr. 11 year, as stipulated in the Code of Conduct. This criteria refers to all school, culture and sport activities/codes.
- A learner who has a poor disciplinary record. A learner who has received detention twice, is disqualified.
- Academic record : June exam: 11 – a learner must achieve an average in the exam of 50% or more and not more than one subject may be below 30%.
- Learners need to participate in at least one of the school codes: sport/culture.
Choir - 3 years member.
CSV - excluded, unless the learner is a ring leader. - Prefects can be expelled from the learner council if they do not comply with the prefect’s code that is signed during nomination. It also includes not attending any function which the prefects are expected to attend. At such functions it is also expected of prefects to stay until the function is concluded.
A learner that has been disqualified in regards to the above may present a written presentation to the principal to be reconsider, within 3 days after the nomination vorms have been handed out.